Labour GROUP amendment




To delete the text as struck through and insert the wording in 2.1 as shown below in bold italics:


2.1    That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A, whilst retaining the current requirement for Carers permit eligibility:

·   Self-employed Professional Carers Permit

·   Carers Permit Eligibility

·   School Permits


2.2    That the Committee notes the changes to the current General Practitioner sign off process which is included in Appendix B, and the staff engagement analysis.



Proposed by: Cllr Williams                            Seconded by: Cllr Wilkinson


Recommendations if carried to read:

2.1    That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A, whilst retaining the current requirement for Carers permit eligibility:

·   Self-employed Professional Carers Permit

·   School Permits


2.2    That the Committee notes the staff engagement analysis.